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holy shit...

best visual novel ive played

I'm not a woman or gay. its just that awesome

hahaha that's super flattering to hear, thank you for the kind words and thank you for playing!!


OK, so I just finished it. And this shit went deep... Lolol, that's what I get for not reading the warnings >=-L 

Kinda shame there's no music. A little classy beach pop would've be just right. About art... Most of it was fine. Some felt rushed. Loved the sprites thoooo <3  Story'd be chill if weren't for the plot twist (??? I guess I could say that. But nevertheless, I didn't expect the third ending to be like that lol) =-/

Kinda spoilers? Should I even do the alert???

I wouldn't use word BRIEFLY in the warning, considering that the game revolves around the  death Terra's traumaaa dump. And, like, this strong topic kills this chill, relaxed vibe? AND OMG I JUST READ THE RULES FOR THE CHILL JAM 9. guuurl, you're doomed

Welp, good game overall, 7/10! Kinda wishhhhhhhhhhhhhh see more of these two. Bit overdramatic and cliche story (haha, says the guy who couldn't predict the ending) but stilllll that's something!


Thank you so much for checking out the game!!

I agree on a lot of what you said, I think it's a shame too I didn't add music and I've never been one to really write around cliches! And then in an effort to manage time, I cut back on art quality v_v I'm so glad you liked the sprites, though!

I also saw the rules for the jam but thought it meant like just don't have heavy topics mentioned throughout the whole game... Oh geez, well, if the submission's against the rules, at least it's a learning experience. I'll also edit the content warning, thank you for the feedback!

And honestly, you really hit the nail on the head about basically exactly what I was thinking when submitting this, which I guess is reassuring in a way? In any case, thank you so much for the in-depth feedback, it's greatly appreciated! Hope that one ending didn't ruin the chill vibe too much for you!